How to use shopping cart at online shop?

If you want to purchase just a single/one item at our online shop, use the Purchase button below the thumbnail. When you press this button you'll be redirected to the checkout immediately.

But if you would like to purchase more than one product at once (within single order), you can take an advantage of the shopping cart functionality at online shop.

Use the Shopping cart glyph button in order to add product to the cart:

After clicking the button, the product will be added to your shopping cart immediately. A number next to the shopping cart icon represents number of products located in your basket.

When you've added all the products you wished to purchase in single order (added them all to the shopping cart) click the shopping cart icon in right upper corner to see cart's contents. You can eventually adjust the quantities or remove some of the items before proceeding to the checkout:

When you're done, click Proceed to checkout button to complete the order.

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